Home » Study claims that those who follow these 5 habits will live 10 years longer

Study claims that those who follow these 5 habits will live 10 years longer

by daily weby

What doesn’t benefit your health at all: smoking and being very overweight.

As the results show, men who smoked more than 15 cigarettes a day and those with a BMI over 30 had the lowest chances of living a disease-free life.

“We looked at five lifestyle factors: healthy diet, good body weight, low alcohol consumption, no smoking and physical activity,” says Hu.

“For smokers, of course, the most important thing is to stop smoking. For people with obesity, it is important to lose weight and maintain a healthy body weight.”

The researchers emphasize how essential it is for those affected to stop smoking. The longer a smoker goes without a cigarette, the greater the positive effects on the body.

“In the first one to 10 years after quitting, the risk of heart disease and lung cancer decreases, and after 15 years the risk is almost at non-smoking levels.”

A good argument to rethink your unhealthy habits.

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