Home » More than 500 tractors take to the road this Tuesday to “paralyze” Navarra

More than 500 tractors take to the road this Tuesday to “paralyze” Navarra

by daily weby
Farmers and ranchers of Navarra They are already warming up the engines of their tractors. This Tuesday, February 6, at dawn, they will take them out onto the asphalt to show their exhaustion. They feel abandonedhelpless and see that their profession, if they continue on the current path, has an expiration date. Navarra Diary He has spoken with people from the coordinator of this protest who, they emphasize, are “outside of all political parties and unions.” Organized by the different regions of the Provincial Community, they estimate that, At least, more than 500 tractors will be put on the road.
They affirm that they will try to be noticed, to “paralyze” Navarra, with cuts to relevant roads, highways, access if possible to cities to slow down traffic and other actions that they prefer not to reveal. The same sources assure that they have authorizations from the Government Delegation and that your idea is “let yourself be felt” and that your message reaches the citizens but “peacefully”.
The mobilization and contact of these farmers and ranchers are being developed through WhatsApp. Initially, last weekend, a single group for Navarra was created, with more than a thousand members and, subsequently, they have been divided into other groups by area (Tierra Estella, Ribera, Pamplona, ​​Tafalla, etc). Then, in each region, about two or three representatives have been appointed.
From the unions YOUNG y EHNE and the Union of Agrarian Cooperatives of Navarra (UCAN), who announced mobilizations but have not yet specified the day, it has been shown “respect” for this grassroots initiative, since many of the producers who will support the protests are affiliated.


The protest begins this Tuesday, but has no end date. “We will start on Tuesday and no end date. Let’s see how the days go by and what answers we have,” comments one of the sources.

These farmers, in their strategy of having their claims, in line with those of their European colleagues, shake political institutions, are in contact with producers from neighboring and adjacent communities, such as La Rioja and Aragón. They also do not rule out that road freight transport sectors join their mobilizations.

The organizers took a manifesto with their demands to the Department of Rural Development today, Monday morning. Among them, it stands out that Navarrese producers demand the recovery of the tax system of modules (called objective estimation in Personal Income Tax and simplified VAT regime). They claim that they are the worst fiscally treated in the country.


1. Reduce the demands of the new Community Agrarian Policy (PAC). imposed agro-environmental because it drastically reduces our production and, in some cases, is impossible to carry out.
2. Reduction of the bureaucratic burden because it makes us lose many days of work. And greater involvement of the civil service.
3. Repeal of the 2030 agenda.
4. That it is not mandatory to leave 4% of the surface fallow.
5. Digital books, out. The EU requires producers to keep a digital notebook where they must record work, treatments, animal handling, etc.
6. Manure management. Eliminate the rule that will allow us to have the manure piled up for more than 5 days, and spread on the farm for 2 days.
7. Commitment not to reduce the tax reduction on agricultural diesel. Even implementation of some improvement, due to the high prices we have.
8. Repeal of the animal welfare law.
9. Repeal of environmental laws and protection of species, which threaten agriculture, livestock and rural areas.
10. Compliance with the price law, where the farmer or rancher is not forced to sell at a loss.
11. Requirement of compliance with phytosanitary control of European regulations for all products entering from non-EU countries.
12. Commitment to a water management policy consistent with the needs of each territory.
13. Clarity in labeling with the countries of origin of the products and price of origin and final price.
14. Imposition of tariffs on the entry of non-EU products.
15. Commitment to research and development against the practices of ‘Climate Geoengineering’, which harm the sector so much.
16. To the Government of Navarra, withdraw the complaints that arise in the mobilizations.
17. Recovery of the module system, since the farmers and ranchers of Navarra are the worst treated fiscally in the entire country.

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