Home » everything about the detention of minors and the violent death of their mother

everything about the detention of minors and the violent death of their mother

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An event has shocked the Cantabrian town of Castro Urdiales. The body of a woman, gagged and with signs consistent with homicide, was found this Wednesday at 8:45 p.m. inside her car, in a garage in the Monte Cerredo urbanization (Cantabria). Her two sons, ages 13 and 15, were arrested hours later for their alleged involvement in the death of her mother.

The minors call their grandmother after the event

The minors called their grandmother stating that they had been “kidnapped” and, in response to that communication, she decided to speak to the Civil Guard. When the agents went to the chalet where the family resides, around 9 p.m. they found the car stuck in the garage.

The violent death of a woman

Inside the vehicle, in the back seat, tied by her hands and feet, with a plastic bag over her head and with “at least” a stab wound in her neck, was the lifeless body of Silvia LG, 48 years old, natural from Vizcaya, but who lived in Castro Urdiales with her husband and two children.

Detention of minors

The minors were neither in the chalet nor in the garage, so the Civil Guard launched a search device to try to find the minors, who were finally located hiding around 2:15 a.m. in the Cotolino park of the Cantabrian municipality. .

The 13-year-old boy, who is not criminally liable as he is under 14, has been transferred to a juvenile center. On the other hand, the Prosecutor’s Office has requested for his 15-year-old brother, six months of confinement in a reform center, in a closed regime. Currently, he is at the disposal of the Guard Court.

Family context

Likewise, there is evidence of a family dispute before the events, although the investigation has yet to determine its possible direct relationship with the woman’s death.

Silvia LG, 48 years old and native of Vizcaya, was his adoptive mother. The two brothers were adopted in Russia by the couple made up of her deceased and her husband, LJGM, who was not at home at the time.

The two brothers studied at the school in the Brazomar neighborhood of Castro Urdiales, where the family lives, in an urbanization of chalets, in whose garages the Civil Guard has been investigating this event since early morning.

The social services of the Castro Urdiales City Council have no record of any complaint related to these minors, who studied at a school in their neighborhood, “were not conflictive” and had an “excellent” academic record, according to the mayor of the municipality, Susana Herrán.

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