Home » A Catalan separatist before the Lord of the Great Power of Seville

A Catalan separatist before the Lord of the Great Power of Seville

by daily weby

Everyone has a place before the tender, meek and merciful gaze of the Lord of Great Power. Absolutely all. Before his majestic image Cardinals, heads of government, ministers, mayors, businessmen, brothers of the brotherhood that has taken care of it for centuries and ensure that it is accessible to all have knelt; residents of the center and the neighborhoods, tourists, simple townspeople, pleasurers, taxi drivers, merchants and liberal professionals who are part of their day-to-day praetorian guard, passers-by, mere curious, innocent, condemned, people with hope and gentlemen who has lost it… Everyone has a place before the Lord. This was confirmed, again, in the waiting line to pay him personal worship on this unpleasant morning of Holy Thursday, such an important day for the city and for the Brotherhood of the Great Power.

In the waiting line to venerate the Lord, a work by Juan de Mesa from 1622, he was very discreetly Jordi Turull (Barcelona, ​​1966), very prominent leader of the party Together for Cataloniathe formation that has conditioned and burdened the Government of Pedro Sánchez, the party that has an à la carte Amnesty Law that has been approved by the Congress of Deputiesa legal text that is already on its way to the Senate, where it may be delayed for a couple of months at most. Turull is a ‘black foot’ of Catalan separatism condemned in the process. Turull is a regular at pilgrimages to the Belgian refuge of Puigdemontthe criminal escaped in the trunk of a car after unsuccessfully proclaiming the Republic of Catalonia.

Jordi Turull was in jail, he didn’t exactly escape in a car trunk, leaving his companions stranded. Former deputy of the Parliament of Catalonia, former Minister of the Interior of a Government overthrown by the application of the article 155 from Spanish constitutiona measure supported then by a PSOE in the opposition. Together for Catalonia It is a formation inherited from the ancient Convergence of which Turull was a member, a defunct Catholic and sociologically conservative social mass party.

Turull respectfully and discreetly stood by the waiting line that stretched throughout the St. Lawrence Square until you are before him Lord of Great Power. He was not lucky because this Holy Thursday is one of the most unpleasant in memory of Holy Week in Seville. But the Lord always deserves the visit. The pathos of him, the expressive force of him, the rotundity of the goodness of his face, the combination of power and meekness expressed by the noble effigy of him is incomparable.

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